
The first time in a drawing package that you will have the power to combine vector, 2D, 3D, and bitmap editing into a totally new level, where one form seamlessly transforms into another. What you draw could be so realistic that you can create a scene, which looks naturally 3D, yet is easily created using familiar vector tools.

Real-DRAW Pro is also the most versatile graphics program since there are no limits in what the output will look like - a vector drawing, airbrush illustration, painted art, photo-realistic image, 3D-looking scene, photographic clone, or any combination of it. There are virtually no limits; it depends only on your creativity.

What is it then?

Real-DRAW is a very powerful and innovative combination of Vector, 3D and Bitmap editing. It has the editing flexibility of vector graphics with the natural and organic feel of bitmap textures, rendered 3D surfaces, shadows, lights, transparencies and bevels. All is WYSIWYG and created in real time.
It takes the very best ideas from all known creative methods and logically combine them into one application:

From Vector Editing:
Flexibility. Any object you draw is editable all the time, you can change shapes, group objects, move them in layers, resize, edit envelopes, etc. Any object has its own changeable properties such as color, texture, outline, then lights, material, transparency, many 3D effects, bevels, or casting of shadows.

From Bitmap Editing:
Unlike normal vector editors, any object in Real-DRAW has smooth edges with the natural feel of a bitmap image or rendered scene.
You can also paint directly on any vector object with airbrushes, 3D or Artistic brushes or Image Nozzles. Or you can paint directly on Canvas and the strokes will become another object to which you can apply effects..

From 3D Editing
You can apply various bevels and effects on any object to make it into three dimension. You can even use effects such as Extrude or make the texture look non-flat. You can get even closer to a rendered-like image by applying a 3D lights on any object and changing the material properties. With the combination of these powerful properties, it is very easy to create, for example, realistic metallic textures - often a big problem in any drawing package.

This all is crafted into one consistent package without loosing focus on user.

Real-DRAW offers you also many new and innovative methods such as bitmap cloning, blueprint with onionskin, or Packaging where you can divide the project into logical blocks and then work on each block separately.

Real-DRAW turns graphics tasks, that usually take several steps (and often several programs), into simple jobs.

What Can I do ?

Web Art - you can do anything from Web banners and logos - to buttons or other art. You can create vivid graphics with cool effects like drop shadow, glow or lights. You can even choose from 'zillions' of procedural textures and color washes.
Design Cool Logos - you can be creative. With the ability to edit text the same way as the paths, you can make changes in the font itself. Use Transparency Textures to define interesting semi-transparent surfaces.
Multimedia Interfaces - you can create lifelike professional multimedia interfaces. With Multimedia extension you can also assign to each object three different appearances - normal, highlighted and pushed. You can then export each frame to separate bitmap files or direct export to Multimedia Builder.
Ultra realistic, texture rich images, buttons, controls, text ... - First time in 2D drawing package are objects so real that you can create the feel of stones, shiny metals, wood and much more. There are hundreds of predefined natural textures in the library and you can add your own.
Rendered-like images. Unlike other 2D drawing applications, Real-DRAW can apply unlimited number of various light sources and material properties on any vector object, text, or bitmap to add realistic feeling. You can create 3D looking scenes without the need to work in 3D. Actually it is even better, because it is all in Real Time.
Photographic-like Illustrations - Photographic-like Illustrations - You can hardly imagine a faster way to create amazing photo-realistic illustrations. It is much easier and the result are usually much better than creating them in 3D. The secret is in using lights and bevels. Just a few lights alone can create the feel of a 3D shape.
The whole illustration on the left was created using only vector objects with lights.
Painted art - You can paint with brushes directly on the canvas or on any vector or bitmap object. You are not limited to basic brushes; you can use 3D or artistic brushes, or Image nozzles as well. It supports pressure sensitive tablets. Painting inside vector objects is one of the amazing Real-DRAW features.
For example the fingers on the left were created as vector objects and then painted inside with airbrush. The result could be easily resized or reshaped.
Scalable Vector Graphics for web - you can design and export a vector drawing in web friendly SVG format (Supports colors, outlines and transparency). This is a text format (similar to html) and any new web browser with XML should be able to display it. The benefit of SVG is that the image is scalable and smaller than a JPG image would be.
Try mmb.SVG (12 kB) generated by Real-DRAW.

There is much more - Real-DRAW is one of the most versatile graphics programs, you can create images from painted art to photo-realistic rendering and everything in between or combination of all.

Everything is editable all the time; you don't have to recreate the graphics again and again.

*The graphic images above as well as all graphics in this manual were created exclusively with Real-DRAW.
They were never post-processed in any other image editor. However due to the size factor many images were heavily compressed and sized down so you may not see the images in their original sparkling quality.